About Jen

“Jen is kind, intelligent, insightful and intuitive. She's able to hold a safe sacred space while tracking and reflecting what I'm telling her. She also listens at a deeper level so insights are revealed and deep healing accessed.”

Amy 'Bear Paw' Piper, MA, BCC, IMn

Having multi-sensory and intuitive awareness is helpful when you know that’s what is happening…

It can be pretty freaky when you're a kid and no one around you seems to get it.  As a child I often experienced encounters with the multi-dimensional world and thought for sure everyone else did too, yet no one really talked about it. “Sure, Jesus healed with his hands, but that isn’t really a thing”. Truth is, the multi-dimensional skills are an important and positive part of every human experience, and we continue to create consistent language around how to best benefit and work with these skills in modern times. Today these skills are often couched in a framework of either being “of the dark-side” (or was that just my upbringing?) or being too freaky to offer any truth (certainly NOT in the realm of FACTS haha). New science and quantum physics tell a different story. Frequency of energy, particularly that of the super resonant LOVE frequency, is all there is in terms of where true creational power resides. How our subconscious and conscious mind interpret the energy either, through visions or sounds or sensations is part of what makes the human experience of great value and inspiration within and throughout the multi-verse. In truth, quantum physics, intuition and holistic approaches to health are all interconnected and powerful examples of humanity's potential evolution. 

When we follow the frequency of our hearts and allow that to be our compass, messy as that may sometimes be, we align ourselves with the divine wisdom of the natural world and providence. This is what the indigenous peoples understood, the interconnectedness of light running through all of life within and around our beautiful Natural World. We are a part of that light. We are mirrors of that one Divine source energy. When we tune into the frequencies of our light body we gain a deeper innerstanding of our life’ stories and how to become empowered by them. When we let go of an agenda that causes us to power through memorized and regurgitated programming; and instead focus on our expanded awareness in every moment, we receive and unleash the powerful innate light potential within us. Suddenly we have the know how and the solutions to fully co-create with the multi-dimensional universe.

This isn’t woo-woo to be dismissed because it’s not rational enough, this is what we’ve forgotten and are now remembering.  It’s a basic, foundational aspect of what it is to be human. The application of this heart centered intelligence will co-create a divine blueprint on this world never before seen at such capacity. I believe this is where human beings are headed and I’m grateful to be one of the many who are choosing to align with this higher dance of light. 

“Jens energetic treatments shifted something in me, I’m not sure how to describe it, but it is magical and expansive. I would recommend to anyone seeking wholeness and clarity.”


 Jen was recently invited to share her story and write a chapter for the “Find Your Voice” book series via Brave Healers publishing where she will share more about her awakening story.


A Bit More About Jen

  • I am an only child, so talking to myself is nothing new 

  • Fell in love with performance and acting at age 5. Artists and Scientists with their deep questioning, are the only one’s who ever made sense.  Continued to sing, dance and act my way through elementary, high school and college.

  • Worked as a waitress at several restaurants including IHOP - if you’ve never cleaned maple syrup off of a linoleum counter, you haven’t really lived

  • Used to see dead people in my bedroom as a kid. They were nice, but it was terrifying. I was convinced they were coming from under my bed.  I got really great at the nightly “run and jump into bed” so they wouldn’t grab my ankles. 

  • BA in Theater and Performing Arts from University of Georgia 

  • Works as a Standardize Patient with Emory University, basically lets the docs know what it feels like to be their patient. ;)

  • Finds Gratitude to be the foundational frequency of which all of creation comes Alive! Always being with Gratitude

  • Project Manager for a 1000 page catalog published with SP Richards Company - aka Dunder Mifflin

  • Actor in many Regional productions with Onstage Atlanta, PushPush Arts, 7Stages, etc.

  • Currently on the Board with PushPush Arts

  • Improviser and Stand-Up Comedian performing at multiple venues including HighWire Theater, The Vortex, The Punchline, Highland Ballroom and The Den in NOLA

  • Had an out of body experience and talked to Angels a couple times

  • Healed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis without Conventional Medical Intervention

  • Gave birth without medical intervention - 2X!

  • Has seen strange mystical beings in her Kitchen, and she is still not a very good cook

  • Winner of WriteClub Atlanta, March 2020

  • Achieved Reiki Mastery and Mediumship III accredidation, 2020

“Working with Jen has ushered in an array of shifts in my life --- from the subtle to the profound and dramatic.  I feel more intune with the universal life force and experience more love in the world.  Her work is beautiful and uplifting.”
